Do more with Hushed.
Phone numbers for everything
Not every first date is going to be “the one.” If you’re online dating or going in blind, give out your Hushed number so you can keep yourself safe and protect your privacy.

Selling your couch? Subleasing your apartment? Use a Hushed number in the ad, let all the weirdos call and text, then cancel the number once the transaction’s complete.

Want to call family members in another country? Save money by getting a Hushed number in their area code, and it’s like making a local call.

Hushed is perfect for cheap calling and texting when you’re travelling. Get a local Hushed number for your destination, and pair it with an eSIM so you always have data.

Stores always want your phone number for receipts, returns, and promotions. Give them your Hushed number instead, and protect your real number from a spammy list.