How to Call Someone Who Blocked You 


Boundaries are important. As is protecting your personal privacy. Getting blocked (from calls, texts, social media, or elsewhere) by someone could be an extension of either of these priorities.

It’s always essential to respect someone’s boundaries. If you have a valid reason to reach out, such as an emergency, doing so with a Hushed number is a secure and discreet option. 

Let’s discuss why people might get blocked, when it might make sense to attempt contact, and how to do so respectfully and responsibly.  

Why Do People Block Others? 

There are a number of legitimate reasons to block someone from contacting you.

  • Tension, arguments, or other relationship issues that include emotional fallout or miscommunications can lead to a need to create some space
  • Overstepping boundaries, including constant messaging or calling can be overwhelming to the recipient  
  • Harassment or stalking is never okay, and likely illegal in most places. Blocking might be an attempt at self preservation against harmful behaviour

Regardless of the reason, deciding to block someone is likely the result of a person’s desire to regain some control over their interactions with other individuals. 

When to Reach Out 

In the occasion that you’ve been blocked, your first responsibility to the individual is to respect that person’s boundaries. Before anything else, consider whether contacting the person is truly necessary—and you’ll likely determine that the answer is no. However, there are a few reasonable situations wherein reaching out might be appropriate:  

  • Emergencies, including urgent situations that might have someone’s health, safety, or legal issues at risk
  • Critical information that is essential to a person’s needs or their belongings
  • Clarifications or making amends that include apologizing (with no expectation of a response) to clear things up

How to Call Someone Who Blocked You 

If you’ve carefully considered if contacting the person who blocked you is crucial and can be done so in a way that is reasonable and respectful, Hushed can help you to make that important call without causing additional discomfort. With no need for commitment to long term use, Hushed allows you to create a temporary, private online phone number, which can bypass being blocked and allow you to deliver your message.  

Here’s how to call someone who blocked you:

1. You can start by downloading the Hushed app on your smartphone, which is available for both iOS or Android devices. 

2. Choose your new temporary number with an area code of your preference

3. Call or text the person who blocked you with your Hushed online number, taking care to be polite and gracious. 

4. If they respond, remain calm in your interaction, but if they do not respond, then respect their decision and do not persist

Bonus tips:

  • Be clear and concise while stating your purpose and take care to avoid emotional arguments.
  • Take responsibility for your actions and apologize for reaching out.
  • Do not overstep. If there’s no response, just let it go. 


Written by Krista

Based on beautiful Cape Breton Island, Krista Montelpare is a storyteller and content writer with a passion for community-building and communication clarity. See more at or follow her on Instagram @LoveLetterLifestyle where she writes love letters to her favourite foods, destinations, and thrift store finds.
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