Join the Hushed Affiliate Program

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Are you looking for a fun way to earn some extra cash? Why not join the Hushed affiliate program? With over 25 million downloads, Hushed is a leader in providing second phone numbers for calling and texting. And guess what? We’re looking for awesome people like you to help spread the word!

Why Hushed? It’s Simple and Convenient!

Whether you’re an iPhone lover or an Android enthusiast, Hushed has got you covered. You can easily get a second phone number from over 300 area codes across the United States, Canada, and the U.K. It’s perfect for keeping your business and personal life separate, securing your privacy, or just making sure you have a spare number for those just-in-case moments. Join the Hushed affiliate program today – help spread the word and start earning!

Practical Uses for a Hushed Phone Number:

  • Online selling: When selling items like a couch or subleasing an apartment, users can utilize a Hushed number in their advertisements. This allows all inquiries, even from unwelcome callers, to be directed to this temporary number, which can be canceled once the transaction is complete.
  • Dating: Not every first date is going to be “the one.” For those using online dating platforms or going on blind dates, a Hushed number can be given out to maintain safety and privacy.
  • Travel: Hushed is ideal for affordable calling and texting while traveling. Travelers can obtain a local Hushed number for their destination and pair it with an eSIM to ensure they always have data.
  • Family: For those wanting to call family members abroad, acquiring a Hushed number in the family’s local area code can reduce costs, making it as affordable as making a local call.
  • Shopping: Retailers often request phone numbers for transactions involving receipts, returns, and promotions. By providing a Hushed number instead, one can safeguard their primary number from potentially spammy contact lists.

Exclusive Deals for Your Audience

As a Hushed affiliate, you’ll get an exclusive scoop: the chance to offer a Lifetime Number for just $25—a smashing deal considering it’s valued at $160! Imagine providing your followers with a number they pay for once and get to use forever. They’ll love you for it!

Sweet Affiliate Perks

Joining the Hushed affiliate program isn’t just about helping others get great deals—it’s also about benefiting yourself. Here’s what’s in store for you:

  • Earn $10 USD for each sale: Yep, you read that right! For every Lifetime Number you sell, you pocket $10 USD.
  • 30-Day cookie expiry: This gives your audience a whole month to decide, increasing the chances they’ll buy through your link.
  • Marketing made easy: You’ll get access to eye-catching banners and graphics, making it super easy to promote.
  • Bonuses for top performers: Are you a top seller? Expect some extra goodies coming your way as a thank you.
  • Regular payments: Get paid each month, right on time. No fuss, no hassle.

Ready to Join the Fun?

Becoming a Hushed affiliate is a breeze. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger, a social media guru, or just starting out, you can start earning in just a few clicks. Plus, you’ll be part of a fun, engaging community, and who doesn’t love that?

Join the Hushed affiliate program today and start spreading the word. It’s a fantastic way to make some extra money, help your friends and followers stay connected, and have a lot of fun along the way!

Ready to get started? Join us and become a Hushed affiliate now!