Online Dating Conversation Starters: First Date Edition


So you’ve met a special someone and you’re heading on a first date. You’re excited to connect in person but suddenly the butterflies in your stomach start to flutter: what will you talk about?

You might be feeling the pressure and suspecting that your first date conversation is what will make or break your connection. While that might not necessarily be the case, here are a few effective online dating conversation starters to help you avoid any awkward silences and keep things flowing.  

10 Fun Topics for a First Date

1. “What’s the best part of your week?”

By starting off with a positive tone, this kind of question invites your date to respond with something uplifting and also provides insight into their daily lives. 

2. “What’s somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit?”

Most people enjoy travel (even if it’s just a local day trip), making it an easy topic of conversation. You might even discover shared dream destinations.

3. “Who would play you in the movie of your life?”

More than just insight into their favourite actors, this could give a fun glimpse into how your date seems themselves (or dreams to).

4. “What’s the most random thing you’ve ever Googled?”

No need to get too risqué with this one (or do!) but asking about someone’s weird search history can open them up for a laugh.

5. “Who is a fictional character that you know you would be best friends with?”

This is an interesting question to ask because it reveals so much about reading or viewing interests as well as the type of people your date associates themselves with. 

6. “Tell me about the time you’ve laughed the hardest.”

Who doesn’t love to laugh? Even if you’re unable to recall one specific incident, this conversation invites you both to recall moments in your life that were silly and joyful—always something good to share. 

7. “If money was no object, what’s something you’ve always wanted to try?”

This intriguing question points to both ambition and curiosity, offering insight into their passions or goals.  

8. “What’s the best concert or event you’ve ever been to?”

Whether it’s music, comedy, or sports, these types of topics help reveal shared interests.

9. “Do you have a party trick?”

A saucy trick (like tying a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue) or something mind-blowing (close-up magic, perhaps) can demonstrate your ability to engage with others more so than an actual talent. 

10. “What is your go-to karaoke song?”

Even terrible singers keep the answer to this one in their back pocket. Is it an earnest Celine Dion ballad or crowd-pleaser like something from Abba? Either way, this question can make room for plenty of follow-ups.

Bonus Tips for First Date Conversations 

  • Be an active listener with your online dating conversation starters. Demonstrate that you’re genuinely interested by maintaining eye contact, nodding, and asking thoughtful follow-up questions. 
  • Keep an open mind. Even if your date starts talking about something you disagree with or dislike, approach the topic with curiosity rather than judgement. 
  • Stick to lighthearted topics and remember that a first date should be fun. There’s no need to delve into anything heavy or difficult. 

Stay attuned to body language and nonverbal cues. You can gauge someone’s interest in a topic based on their facial and body responses. Adjust the subject matter accordingly.


Written by Krista

Based on beautiful Cape Breton Island, Krista Montelpare is a storyteller and content writer with a passion for community-building and communication clarity. See more at or follow her on Instagram @LoveLetterLifestyle where she writes love letters to her favourite foods, destinations, and thrift store finds.


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